Hours spent on tables, data search and manual rewriting to forms. Errors, corrections, fatigue… Is this how you calculate the recycling level in your plant?
In ENVIRA system, preparation of the report of the Municipal Waste Collector takes no more than one click!
Don’t waste time on manual calculation the level of recyclig in municipalities. Use the ENVIRA system and its new functionality. Now, with one click, you can generate a report including:

  1. information on the mass of individual types of municipal waste collected from property owners, including biodegradable waste and the manner in which it is managed
  2. information on the weight of sorting residues and residues from mechanical and biological processing intended for storage arising from municipal waste collected by the entity
  3. information on the weight of waste paper, metals, plastics and glass prepared for re-use and recycled and the recycling rate achieved
  4. information on the weight of construction and demolition waste being municipal waste, prepared for re-use, recycled and other recovery processes

The new functionality of the ENVIRA system is dedicated to:

  1. waste management plants that collect municipal waste. It is now possible to generate a collector report automatically, with division into each municipality and a transport company that delivers municipal waste to the plant.
  2. plants collecting non-municipal waste. We have prepared this report in such a way as to offload waste management plants that are not collecting municipal waste, but which must report to municipalities or transport companies on the amount of waste they bring to the plant, how they are managed and the mass recycled, recovered or disposed of.

The quantities accepted in a given period to the plant can be easily filtered through municipalities, transporting entities, type of real estate inhabited or uninhabited where the waste comes from.

ENVIRA gives assurance that the municipalities that operate the plant will receive reliable reports on the quantities of waste accepted by the plant, but without including those that went to selective collection points.

Check how many benefits your ENVIRA system will bring to your plant.
Contact us and see how we can improve and speed up processes in your company.